Nanosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy

We have a Spectra Physics Quanta-Ray Lab 170 Nd:YAG nanosecond laser, and GWU basiScan OPO, and a custom built transient absorption spectrometer. We are equipped to measure single wavelength kinetics across the visible region.



We have two Pine Research WaveDriver 20 bipotentiostats, a WaveNow potentiostat, and a WaveVortex 10 electrode rotator. All our gloveboxes have custom feedthroughs for electrode cables and our rotator is stationed inside a glovebox, allowing us to make electroanalytical measurements under air- and water-free conditions.



Our lab houses two MBraun double gloveboxes for performing chemical synthesis, recording optical absorption spectra, and making electroanalytical measurements in an inert atmosphere.


Stopped-Flow Rapid Mixing

We utilize a BioLogic SFM-3000/S stopped flow mixer with a MOS-200 rapid kinetics optical system and a DA-UV high speed diode array spectrometer.


UV-Vis Absorption Spectroscopy

We have both a Cary-60 UV-Vis Absorbance Spectrometer with fiber optic feedthroughs to an inert atmosphere glovebox and a Flame Miniature Spectrometer housed in a glovebox (not shown).


Steady-state Fluorometer

For steady-state luminescence, we use an Ocean Optics USB2000+ with various LED lightsources.


General lab facilities

Our lab has 9 fume hoods, 6 with custom-build Schlenk lines, two rotary evaporators, a centrifuge, two ovens, and much more!


Chemical Research Instrumentation Teaching and Core Laboratories (CRITCL)

The Department of Chemistry is home to state-of-the-art core facilities, including X-Ray, NMR, Mass Spectrometry, the Reaction Innovation Subcore for Excellence in Catalysis (RISE Catalysis), Electronics, and a Glass Shop.


CHASE Research Infrastructure

The CHASE Liquid Fuels Energy Innovation Hub supports several user facilities, including a staffed Spectroscopy Facility, a Materials & Electrode Fabrication Facility, a Synthesis Laboratory, and a Solar Fuels Product Analysis Facility.


Chapel Hill Analytical and Nanofabrication Lab (Part of the North Carolina Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network)

CHANL houses extensive analytical and nanofabrication instrumentation, including TEM, XPS, SEM, and ALD.